John Harke

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The Importance of Recording Your Prophetic Word

We've all been there, a prophet or minister calls us out from our seat. Anxiously, with a mix of excitement and apprehension we wade past all the eyes that are looking at us as we make our way up to receive our prophetic word from the man or woman of God. 

It's a face-melting, time warping experience and you get absolutely rocked by the accuracy of the words, the intensity of the anointing and the overall feeling of electricity coursing through your body. Life.... changing. 

But by the time you've made it back to your home and slide into your bed, dread washes over you as you realize you've forgotten three quarters of what was spoken over you. 

We want to avoid moments like these at all costs. In this post I will share one key to help you be prepared and equipped the next time you receive prophecy. 

Always Record Your Prophetic Word

Technology is your friend (unless they resemble Arnold Schwarzenegger) Thanks to modern technology, we have smartphones that have a dozen different tools packed into one tiny device. When you are about to get a prophetic word, whip that device out, fire up the audio memo app and hit that record button. 

If you don't have a phone with that ability, swinging by Walmart and grabbing a twelve dollar digital recorder will be well worth the investment. 

Our Memory is Not Perfect:

Even with the best memory and recall, there is a lot going on when you receive a prophetic word (babies crying, loud music, worship leaders crying, the noise level of the ministers shirt, the judgmental gaze of your church nemesis ahem.. I mean sister in Christ.) and often times we miss things in the moment because of that. We will miss subtle statements and words that could be the key to us being able to live that word in our lives. 

The Gold is in the Details:

When we listen to things for the first time, we look for the high points and headlines. Our attention to the details and fine print can tend to be iffy that first go-around. Having it recorded allows us to go back and hear the details. 

It Allows Us to Be Sure of What Was Said:

Being able to replay our words allows us to verify that what we heard the first time was in fact what was said. Just like any good pre-marriage counselor will tell you, "true communication happens when the person talking and the person hearing it are on the same page of what was actually said".

It Prevents Us From Interpreting our Prophetic Word Through the Wrong Lens:

Many of us are in a place of desperation and hunger when we receive our words. We are standing in agreement and prayer about specific things. Examples could be the salvation of loved ones, the need for financial breakthrough, turmoil within the family or a career change. 

If we aren't careful, we can unconsciously interpret something we hear in the moment through the lens of our need rather than what God is actually saying. Don't get me wrong, God cares deeply about your need and He is working, but it doesn't mean this word you've gotten applies to that situation and if we twist it to apply to something it wasn't meant for, we can miss out on something that is vitally important and life changing in it's own way.

I've worked with many people that come to me stating that a prophetic words had promised such only to listen back and realize that it was something completely different. 

It Can Be a Continual Source of Encouragement and Hope, Building Our Faith For the Future:

I can't tell you how many times I've replayed my prophetic words as I've driven in my car or cried myself to sleep. In those times when hope was dim and faith was low, to be able to replay over and over the promise of God over my life helped me shake myself and put my shoulder to the plow once again, to get my next season of breakthrough. 



John Harke Team