What is the destiny of humanity?
I believe that religion without relationship is the biggest distortion of the image of God. I am also convinced that what drives us when no one is watching, tells us what we have a passion for. For instance, when we have a correct response to God we then, and only then, can correctly discern reality.
Adam had all his hearts desire yet something happened in Genesis three. I admit, although he had everything, those things couldn’t keep him safe from the onslaught of evil. Only having the Lord as his one desire could keep Adam for falling. This is why when relationships don’t operate appropriately, our ability to love the Lord effectively, is frustrated. Our lives are to be uniquely balanced however, we also need more passion for God.
I believe that religion without relationship is the biggest distortion of the image of God. I am also convinced that what drives us when no one is watching, tells us what we have a passion for. For instance, when we have a correct response to God we then, and only then, can correctly discern reality.
Adam had all his hearts desire yet something happened in Genesis three. I admit, although he had everything, those things couldn’t keep him safe from the onslaught of evil. Only having the Lord as his one desire could keep Adam for falling. This is why when relationships don’t operate appropriately, our ability to love the Lord effectively, is frustrated. Our lives are to be uniquely balanced however, we also need more passion for God.
We were created to reflect what the Lord is thinking and feeling, not a narrative of what culture is preaching. Simply because in the very beginning the Lord stood near by and spoke humanity into existence. He took a piece of Himself and gave it to us while we were shrouded in darkness and nothingness. Our brokenness made us extremely vulnerable to His voice. Prophetic proclamations are the activity of God, meaning, His speech is what made us good. For without His voice we are an unproductive wasteland. The good news is that the unproductive becomes productive at the sound of His speech, the uninhabited becomes habituated when He uses His voice. No one is able to contest His word over us, for He is the author of all things. For His word is a creative act shaping and molding us in His likeness. Being made in His likeness isn’t merely physical, it’s the fact that men and women can partner with God, can reason like God and speak for God.
This dimension we bare isn’t to be Lord over Him but to be both responsible and worshipful towards our relationship with Him. Valuing who He is and honoring what He has entrusted to us. This eliminates the pride of self sufficiency and causes us to focus upon the command to love our neighbor. That way we can rule effectively and rightly represent His likeness. Our dominion then becomes a partnership with the Lord, not a call to control. We in a partnership with the Lord, we reflect His divine nature by how we manage and treasure what He has given to us.
Our yearning to be like Him isn’t only that we may rule effectively but that we may love like Him and love Him well. This is the cry of the image barer. This is the cry of the soul who wants to want Him. We are called to live in His world on His terms, this the destiny of humanity. Living on God’s terms means choosing to love Him and pushing away the desire for independence. This is a fight, however I believe the inner urge to see all the Lord has done for us will overthrow the urge to disobey His voice.
John Harke Team
The Nature of Deception
How do we react when our influence begins to diminish? Simon the sorcerer was baptized, followed Phillip around but still operated like a sorcerer.
Is that the fruit of salvation?
Is that behavior the evidence of a transformed heart?
Do I long to marvel at people with the gifts of the Spirit?
Or do I live to love God with genuine faith and a passion to walk in a relationship with Christ?
How do we react when our influence begins to diminish? Simon the sorcerer was baptized, followed Phillip around but still operated like a sorcerer.
Is that the fruit of salvation?
Is that behavior the evidence of a transformed heart?
Do I long to marvel at people with the gifts of the Spirit?
Or do I live to love God with genuine faith and a passion to walk in a relationship with Christ?
When we look at the book of Acts chapter eight, Simon’s demonic activity has desensitized the masses in Samaria. His influence and control promoted an agenda of deception and an awareness of manipulation which the culture embraced. This led to untold unhappiness, misery and fear. Something evil was behind all the brokenness, the pain, the confusion. Sickness and diseases were running rapid through the city. People suffering wasn’t just a governmental problem, or an educational problem, it was an intellectual problem because evil was ruling over the hearts and minds of an entire region. There is no order when a society has been affected by witchcraft.
In an atmosphere like that, people are looking to be fascinated by anyone or anything. However because of heightened persecution, Phillip the Evangelist came preaching Christ along with the evidence of miracles and deliverance. Yet evidence of supernatural power isn’t enough to save by itself, as we see in the case of Simon. Phillip’s preaching and authentic power wasn’t a distorted gospel, however when we look Simon we witness a distorted heart. In other words Simon believes but is never taken out of the world’s system. And as we study Acts eight I believe there can be what we call a “false conversion”. People can be delusional and come under deep deception. Like Simon, there was a certain intellectual belief, as well as an outward baptism, but with no change of heart.
What is so self evident is that Simon is completely attentive to the miracles that are operating through Philip, but never attentive to the source of those miracles. There was this sense of assumed ownership that Simon thought he could possibly possess. Simply because of the long standing influence that he had over the hearts and minds of the people in Samaria. When that influence began to diminish he reveals his true heart condition.
Beloved, to be saved is to be under the control of the Spirit of God. Unfortunately Simon’s speech betrays him when he requested to buy the Holy Spirit from Peter. True repentance and humility were not evident in Simon’s soul, only bitterness and iniquity. Sure he gave up the practice of sorcery but sorcery was still lodged in his heart. When reading Peter’s words of correction we see that Simon feared punishment more that he feared God. This attitude left him in the state of deception. He wanted power more than he wanted authentic salvation, he got neither. So what are the takeaways from this narrative? I believe at this hour the prophetic has to be at times confrontational especially when we are dealing with spiritual warfare. Because through out the book of Acts the occult was consistently attempting to undermine the message of the gospel. This takes courage and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that the Lord will anoint the church so they can break the demonic influence over individuals and over territories.
John Harke Team
God Wants to Partner with You
During this holiday season we are reminded of the arrival of the ultimate gift any of us will ever receive. When Jesus paid the ultimate price for our redemption and freedom, it was a present with incomparable value..
On top of being able to go to Heaven, much of the New Testament teaches us about things that we now have access to; the gift of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, total freedom, supernatural joy and strength, the list goes on and on. But it doesn’t stop there. Along with gifts, we have tremendous authority. To me this new life is kind of like the story of Rip Van Winkle. In the story, Rip decided to take a nap in the forest but he ended up sleeping for like 50 years. When he finally woke up the world as he knew it had completely changed.
During this holiday season we are reminded of the arrival of the ultimate gift any of us will ever receive. When Jesus paid the ultimate price for our redemption and freedom, it was a present with incomparable value..
On top of being able to go to Heaven, much of the New Testament teaches us about things that we now have access to; the gift of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, total freedom, supernatural joy and strength, the list goes on and on. But it doesn’t stop there. Along with gifts, we have tremendous authority. To me this new life is kind of like the story of Rip Van Winkle. In the story, Rip decided to take a nap in the forest but he ended up sleeping for like 50 years. When he finally woke up the world as he knew it had completely changed.
That’s what I believe happens when we allow ourselves to be born again. It’s like we have been asleep all this time, a slumber brought on by our sinful nature, our selfish desires, our pain and a host of other things that have fought to keep us down. Then Jesus shows up on the scene and comes into our heart, awakening us to a whole new world, the world of the believer. It doesn’t stop there.
Once we wake up from our slumber, the Holy Spirit is right there handing us our new passport (identity) a duffle bag full of supplies (the amazing blessings and gifts we have access to because of our salvation) and also a full arsenal of weapons (our authority in Christ). It’s that last part I want to discuss in the rest of this post. The letters from the Apostle Paul throughout the New Testament all speak of a tremendous authority that we now carry as believers.
But what is all this authority for? The immediate answer is, He gave you authority so that you could use it. The larger answer is this; God wants to partner with YOU.
Yes YOU.
He wants to actively work with you every single minute of every day to live and breathe with purpose. Not just any old purpose, but the one that He has set and destined for you to walk in. That's the whole point of Him giving you authority, it's proof that He wants to do something with you.
I am a person that loves to be in the middle of anything exciting.
“Oh, you’re going to Walmart at 2:30 in the morning? I’m in.”
“Oh, and it’s not the one in Florida but the one in Los Angeles? Even…better. “
So the fact that I get to partner with God is the best thing ever, I don’t want to just sit on the sidelines of what He’s up to in the world today and I know that most of you are the same way. What makes things even more wonderful is that it is His heart that you be in the middle of the action also.
Don’t believe me? Just look throughout the Old Testament when God wanted to do something in the earth. He could have just gone in and done it Himself but He didn’t. Prime example of this is when God would raise up Judges to deliver the children of Israel from the hands of their persecutors and captors. God could have totally gone in there, sent a few angels and bring them to freedom on their own but He didn’t do that. Instead He raised up a man or a woman that would partner with him so they could do it together. God wants to do the same thing with you in your life. GOD WANTS TO PARTNER WITH YOU!
When we understand this one point, it settles a lot of the weird baggage that some of us carry from some of our previous seasons about the heart of God towards us. It helps to bring clarity in the midst of the noise. With everyone yelling and shouting about what you should and should not do, about the latest and greatest revelation coming to the Body of Christ at any given second, it can be easy for many of us to get lost in it’s tidal wave and not know what to do. The fact that God wants to partner with you, gives you confidence to ask your partner, “God, what are we partnering to do?” Starting a conversation with someone that you know wants to help you and talk to you is a whole lot easier and more effective than when we assume we are being a burden or the person we are asking is somewhat indifferent to our plight or our mission. It’s a simple key but this key has the ability to set a whole lot of people free from the feeling of being stuck.
John Harke Team
How to bring Comfort
We must concentrate our behaviors towards our values and beliefs. Focusing our efforts upon our circle of influence and not upon things that we can’t control. Our primary core value should be knowing what the Lord cares about, and carrying the ministry of reconciliation to those around us. Never to impose our own will upon those we are to both lead and influence. This doesn’t mean that we dial down what the Lord has decreed nor accommodate what is outside of God’s will. It means that we grieve when the spiritual unity of the Lord’s people becomes fractured by values that are not consistent with scripture. We weep, along with Jeremiah, when a religion of revelry has been set up, instead of an authentic community and intimacy with God and with one another.
We must concentrate our behaviors towards our values and beliefs. Focusing our efforts upon our circle of influence and not upon things that we can’t control. Our primary core value should be knowing what the Lord cares about, and carrying the ministry of reconciliation to those around us. Never to impose our own will upon those we are to both lead and influence. This doesn’t mean that we dial down what the Lord has decreed nor accommodate what is outside of God’s will. It means that we grieve when the spiritual unity of the Lord’s people becomes fractured by values that are not consistent with scripture. We weep, along with Jeremiah, when a religion of revelry has been set up, instead of an authentic community and intimacy with God and with one another.
We feel the horror when self promotion has replaced genuine worship towards Yahweh. We’re not driven by appearances and religious disguises because what the Lords values have marked our hearts. We speak not to punish, but to reestablish authenticity, Kingdom demonstration and sound relationships. What proceeds out of our mouth must be anchored in a heart that is overflowing with beautiful thoughts. We love to pour out the God story and have learned to absorb ourselves in words that are pregnant with the touch of God. Understanding that having revelation, although vital, isn’t enough to transform us or anyone else. Because unless proper values are revolutionized, revelation is just more information.
Biblical values must govern how we behave. In other words, when we perceive correctly, we begin to grow correctly. For instance, all of us would love to be instantaneously delivered from our challenging circumstances. However, if values and beliefs are not in alignment with truth, we will not witness the supernatural provision that the Lord promises us. Certainly everyone desires to be successful? But do we have the internal fire that is hot enough to get us there?
Beloved, our God given vision is the most priceless commodity you and I have. Vision keeps you and I not only focused, but vision keeps us powerful. Without focus we restrict our effectiveness. So that we don’t get lured into a story that isn’t ours. Because those that foster evil designs will try to not only lure you and I into battles that we are not supposed to fight, but also into conversations that we aren’t suppose to participate in.
We must intentionally set godly boundaries in our relationships and never let anyone into a place in our hearts that belongs only to God. Nor becoming seduced by an inferior beauty or allowing others to turn our affections to that which is against His will. Because when we operate outside of God’s will we face the possibility of being outside His protection. However, when we place our worth upon what the Lord values, we will be empowered to purposefully persuade those within our circle of influence to believe what the Lord has said prophetically about them.
I believe that's what it means to bring comfort.
John Harke Team